About Me

Hello! I see you’ve found your way to my little corner of the internet. Come on in! Pull up a chair, move the cat, and sit for a spell. Don’t worry about the snakes, they don’t bite- most of the time. Oh, those? Those are just the dark workings of my mind, made manifest. You should definitely worry about them.

I’m Emily, and ever since I can remember, I’ve been creating stories. I made them up while playing, on the school bus, in the bathroom, and especially just before falling asleep. The stories were for my own entertainment- I never shared them with anyone. Until now, that is. This blog is dedicated to the little girl I was, who loved stories so much that she had to make her own. It is also dedicated to my kindergarten teacher, who once told my mother, “I am certain that one day I will see a book or something written by Emily.” Miss Gina, I never forgot that. Here it is. I hope you like it.